Hearts of iron 4 austria hungary
Hearts of iron 4 austria hungary

hearts of iron 4 austria hungary

The events are also Save-Game Compatible (not the french guarantees) and it is highly compatible with other mods! (see at the bottom of the description) Romania will now also always agree to surrender Transylvania which will also stop the broken Romania Mediation event chain that paradox has not yet fixed. I also removed all Guarantees that France was giving to the Balkan Countries and Poland! No more do you have to play roulette to be able to integrate and annex Czechoslovakia!

hearts of iron 4 austria hungary

It makes the AI of Austria and Czechoslovakia always to agree to annexation and join the Habsburg Empire! It edits the events that Austria and Czechoslovakia get when going down the Monarchist Austria-Hungary Route as Hungary. Multiplayer compatibility update : I changed the events so that the AI of CZE and AUS will always vote to agree to annexation but if a player plays CZE or AUS they will now still be able to refuse if they want to! This will make the mod far more Multiplayer/Coop friendly in case someone else is playing CZE i.e. Update : As this was requested I also made Romania always accept to give up Transylvania as well because the Romanian event chain Paradox had written was very buggy and didn't even work correctly which led to very awkward situations like Romania refusing to give up land and a day later accepting to give it up suddenly, involving multiple mediators with different outcomes for each one and weird stuff like that! This Mod is here to change this! (TL DR Changelog at the bottom) Also you end up doing nearly nothing till 1940 as it takes forever to unite and everyone is guaranteed by France who will willingly ship half their army over to defend YUG/ROM/POL regardless of the German threat right at their Door.

hearts of iron 4 austria hungary

Restoring Austria-Hungary could be very fun if it wouldn't be a complete gamble everytime! You never know if you'll be able to integrate CZE or have to reload dozens of times or keep playing with the Loss.

Hearts of iron 4 austria hungary